Finals are over! Know what that means? Painting and gaming, ah yeah! Now that I don't have to worry about school, I have much more time for more important things. Hordes!
Got in a 35 point, four player, free for all game tonight with theummhmmguy over at troolbloodscrum playing Trolls (surprise), and two other friends playing Legion and Skorne. My list:
pKaya +6(yes you read that right Primal Kaya)
Warpwolf Stalker -10
Gnarlhorn -8
Gorax -4
Min Wolves of Orboros -4
Min Bloodtrackers + Nuala -7
Min Wolfriders -6
Druid Wilder -2
So I played pKaya because she was my favorite caster in Mk1 and I thought I would giver her another shot. Spirit door is still fantastic, just no longer broken. Soothing song lets you run your beasts really hot which can be good. Spirit fang is decent at a rng 10 pow 12, and giving something stealth with occultation is just fun. All in all I was not disappointed and plan on playing her more.
The Gnarlhorn was the MVP of this game. He killed pDoomy and Xerxis by slamming an Earthborn Dire Troll and a Titan Cannoneer over there respective Warlocks, following up and pounding them into pulp. It was pretty fantastic. Though I will say that getting Doomy was lucky because there were three Kriel Warriors in the way. But the Legion player saw fit to go after them with his Hex Hunters and ended up clearing the lane I needed.
I haven't played the Wolves of Orboros for months and I'm not sure why. They are so great! They hit pretty hard with a CMA charge, as Rhyas found out when she died.
Going to have to be more wary of the Hex Hunters though. Three of them took out the Stalker (at full health) and Nuala in one activation ( I forgot to reform).
That's all I got for now, maybe I'll write a battle report for this game but don't get your hopes up, cause I'm not promising anything. :)
You lucky dog, All I needed was a 5 with my Caber on the freestrike and your stupid Gnarlhorn would have been crying for his mommy. Good game man, my losing streak to you continues